Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things are finally back to "Normal" at the Buckner house.  The last few days have not been so easy.  Chad came home from New York on Sunday and when I got to him he was so so so very sick.  He had the worst headache of his life which is really bad for Chad because he gets migraines.  He told me on a scale of 1 to 10 he was at a 14.  Due to the intense pain in his head he was sick to his stomach and throwing up.  With a little bit of research we found out it was all due to his Myelogram.  Basically a spinal tap that removes some spinal fluid and adds dye to get images taken.  He finally got to the point where he could stand up for short periods of time and keep food down.  It has been a slow recovery but he is finally functioning with minimal headaches.  We are sure glad to have our little family back together.  The boys sure missed their Daddy-o!

1 comment:

Cami said...

That's awful! I hope he is still feeling better. Love and hugs from the Isles! Glad he's home safe!