Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wade turns ONE!

My baby is one! I wish time would stop for awhile. My kids are growing up too fast.
Wade is a joy in our home. I can't image life without him. He has 6 teeth which he got all at once when he was 10 months. He also started walking then too. He is a great eater. He eats whatever he can get his hands on and he makes a very big mess. Wade is a lot different than Ethan. Wade is destructive, knocks plants over, pulls pages out of books, climbs as high as he can, throws tantrums and yet he gives great kisses and likes to snuggle.
Here are his latest stats...

weight: 21.5 lbs. 30%
height: 30.75 in. 80%
Head: 18.9 in. 90%

So basically he is tall and skinny with a big Buckner head. Blonde hair and beautifully blue eyes.
I love having my two boys. We love you Waderdoodle Michael Chad Buckner (according to Ethan).


Jodi said...

I understand the big head thing. My children have them as well. Time does fly way to fast, but your kids just keep getting cuter.

Hollie said...

What a birthday cake mess :) I'm sure he (and you) loved every minute of it. He's adorable.

Gen said...

I love the name, what a mouthful!I'm sorry we missed his birthday, it looks like he had a blast with the cake!We sure miss you guys!

Shelbi Jean said...

Super cute. Did you make that cake? Looks Awesome. What a doll. I can't get over how much they grow everyday.

Seth and Sarah said...

So cute! They do grow up too fast!