Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chad update

Chad has advanced to the "watch and wait" part of cancer treatment. He goes in every three months for the next two years to get blood work and scans done. We hope and pray that nothing is found. As of right now everything is considered stable and the doctors are very positive.
Chad is finally getting back to being himself. He is doing little jobs here and there as he is searching for full time work. He cannot return to being a stone mason so we are venturing into new territory. His back seems to be holding up very well. He comments about tired muscles but no pain. Hooray!!!


McBride Family said...

i am glad that things maybe can start getting back to normal and that the "worst" is over. we will keep praying that all future check ups stay clear and good!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm so glad he is starting to feel better! You should tell him to go to the University Federal Credit Union, my husband loves it there!