Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The boys 10-2012

The future Jack Sparrow.
Top left: 5 shots down now Wade is done for a long time.
Top Right: Circus clown I think.
Bottom:  Ethan getting his cavity filled. He thought it was so fun.  I have never seen a kid to excited about having his mouth worked on.  He's nuts. I hated it and I was just watching. 

Top left: Ethan's picture of Christ on the cross.
The rest are secret spy eyes I guess. So many disguises. 

Ethan drew this picture at church.  I absolutely love it.  This is me and the baby.  You can even see the umbilical cord.

The 5th of October we tried to find out the sex of the baby but the cord was right between the legs.  The doctor said if he was a betting man he would bet it was a girl.  I was in pure denial.  I was certain it was boy #3 and I was so excited.  We went back on October 24th for our big 20 week ultrasound.  Chad and Ethan said it's a girl.  Mom and Wade said Boy.  Wade even said if it was a girl he would give it away to one of his cousins.  The Ultrasound tech told us it was a GIRL.  I still couldn't believe it.  I had her double check at least 3 times just to make sure.  Let the next adventure in our lives begin.  Amy JR. is on her way!!! Watch out!

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